Culturally Milan is a lively city and it has always been keen on supporting fine arts. The artistic elite has always found here warm hospitality and helpful background. Think about Leonardo da Vinci and Bramante: the enlighten sovereigns of their times loved to be surrounded by intellectuals. Others regnant instead founded memorable artistic institutions such as Accademia di Brera or Teatro alla Scala. But also private individuals shared their collections with the public as in the case of Pinacoteca Ambrosiana or Archivi della Ca’ Granda: special care in the significance of the message, in the search for beauty or for the sake of passing on values over the centuries. This attitude perpetuates still today with the creation of important exhibitions in historical and institutional venues or with worthy private initiatives.

The palazzo has ever had a representative significance as it hosted the ducal court, the royal theatre and was home to the princes. Today with a remarkable schedule of famous artists it’s the main address for art exhibitions in Milan.

The museum collects about 400 Italian artworks of the 20
thcentury inside the Arengario. The chronological journey starts from 1902 and stretches to pop art and arte povera (poor art) of the ’60s. Contemporary art shows are also often displayed.

A prestigious, flexible and luminous venue designed by architect Ignazio Gardella inside the former stables of Villa Reale. The focus here is given to new ways of expression, new trends and courageous artistic experimentations.

The incredible headquarters by Rem Koolhaas used to be a former distillery transformed into a well-structured architectural project: the 9-store tall tower hosts international contemporary artists as well as a movie theatre.

The enormous area inside a former factory can accommodate monumental installations like the Seven Heavenly Palaces by Anselm Kiefer. Excellent high-level temporary shows with free admission dedicated to young artists.

A cultural point of convergence by Giovanni Muzio surrounded by the green of a park and home to any type of art. The visitors can flow freely among spacious and flexible halls and get inspiration by anything dealing with the world of design.

The Museum of Cultures designed by the architect David Chipperfield is a fascinating exhibition area that is dedicated to the recognition and revaluation of diversities among worldwide cultures. The sinuous crystal structure is lit 24h.

The fondazione is located inside a gothic building of the 15
th century right by San Babila and was renovated by Gae Aulenti. The former headquarter of a bank aims now to promote, enhance and spread modern and contemporary art and culture.

A 4-store art nouveau private building totally dedicated to contemporary art and design just few meters away from via Montenapoleone. BUILDING’s aim is to highlight the works of well-known international artists as well as to support emerging talents.

The church built at the beginning of the 20
th century, completed by Giovanni Muzio, now hosts a fascinating permanent installation: the pioneer of the American minimalism signed its naves with his signature fluorescent light works.
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